Cervical Cancer
• Cervical cancer is preventable through vaccination and treatment of dysplasia identified on screening (cytologic screening, DNA testing for high-risk human papillomavirus subtypes, or both).
• Early-stage cervical cancer is treated with open radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy; small lesions can be treated with extrafascial hysterectomy or more conservative fertility-preserving operations.
• Locally advanced cervical cancer is treated with chemoradiation therapy plus brachytherapy; incorporation of immunotherapy for International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage III through IVA disease is associated with a survival benefit.
• Isolated, centrally recurrent cervical cancer may be managed by means of pelvic exenteration with urinary diversion; however, owing to an increased incidence of distant or concomitant pelvic and extrapelvic relapse after widespread adoption of chemoradiation for locally advanced disease, fewer patients are candidates for this operation than in previous years.
• Patients with newly diagnosed recurrent or metastatic disease may benefit from chemotherapy plus immunotherapy, with or without bevacizumab.
• Antibody–drug conjugates may be an option for patients with disease progression after treatment with chemotherapy plus immunotherapy.
• 子宮頸癌可以透過接種疫苗和治療篩檢(細胞學篩檢、高風險人類乳突病毒亞型的DNA 檢測,或兩者兼有)發現的發育不良來預防。
• 早期子宮頸癌以開放式根治性子宮切除術及骨盆腔淋巴結清除術治療;小病變可以透過筋膜外子宮切除術或更保守的保留生育能力的手術來治療。
• 局部晚期子宮頸癌以放射化學治療合併近距離放射治療;對國際婦產科聯盟(FIGO) III期至IVA期疾病進行免疫治療可提高存活率。
• 孤立的、中心復發的子宮頸癌可以透過尿流改道的骨盆腔廓清術治療;然而,由於在局部晚期疾病廣泛採用化學放射治療後,遠處或同時發生的骨盆和骨盆腔外復發的發生率增加,適合進行此手術的患者比前幾年減少了。
• 新診斷的復發性或轉移性疾病患者可能受益於化療合併免疫療法(無論是否合併貝伐單抗)。
• 對於化療加免疫療法治療後病情進展的患者,抗體-藥物偶聯物可能是一種選擇。